It's an exciting time to be alive. The world is changing at break-neck speed while we struggle to keep up new developments. Here are a few fun and interesting concepts and products hitting the market. I've included links when they were available. If you know of any to enhance the list, send a comment and share your discovery.
Biodegradable Plastic - Now that makes me smile. Plantic offers an earth-friendly alternative to the petrochemical plastic of old. Plantic looks and feels like the kind overrunning our landfills, only Plantic is made from starch. You can toss it into the compost bin or bury it in the garden. Want to see something cool? Pour water on it and watch it dissolve. Hmm, don't know what that means if you get caught in the rain while bringing in your groceries! Maybe
http://www.plantic.com.au/ answers that question.
Safer CPR - Most of us think, if called upon in an emergency, we could successfully perform CPR. It's trickier than it looks and performing it correctly could mean the difference between life and death. The
CPRGlove will help you. The device was invented by two engineering students from Ontario, Canada. It will soon undergo clinical trials. The glove is packed with circuits and sensors that guide you on the depth and pace of compressions, and signals you when it's time to do mouth-to-mouth. This invention will improve the willingness and confidence levels of individuals faced with emergency situations and I'm certain it will save lives.
Love songs designed by you for the love of your life - This won't change the world but it could change the climate in your bedroom.
TailoredMusic.com offers customized love songs performed and recorded by professional artists. You can pick a song and artist, and change the lyrics to fit your love story. I listened to several of the selections. The music is beautifully performed and the singers make the most of the lyrics, albeit the corniness of some of the selections. A personalized song could certainly be the gift you've been looking for to express just how you feel.
Air Powered Car - Here's a breakthrough, a zero-emissions car that runs up to 65 miles per hour on compressed air!MDI of France has announced that its
Air Car will debut in India and France next year. They will range in price from $4,800 to $12,900. The first model fits up to 5 passengers and can go as far as 500 miles on one fill-up.
Get money back for riding a bicycle - One company in Rosemont, Illinois is paying 48.5 cents per mile to employees who bike to work. They also offer incentives like passes to a nearby gym to shower before work. Burke Group, a civil engineering firm believes that getting to the office under your own power reduces your carbon footprint and promotes good health, which makes their employees more productive in the workplace. Way to go Burke Group! Hopefully, other forward thinking companies will follow their example.
Cleaner Streets, really - A new cement coating developed by
Italcementi take smog and pollutants right out of the air. The material, called TX Active, contains titanium dioxide, which neutralizes nitrous oxide and sulfur dioxide when exposed to light. The pollution eater can be painted on buildings, bridges and streets. It also helps to keep surfaces bright and white.
Do something good while you search - Now you can raise money for your favorite charity while surfing the Net. Every time you search the Web using
GoodSearch.com, a penny goes to the nonprofit of your choice. It really works. So far GoodSearch has given $3,635 to the Save Darfur Coalition and more than $6,000 to the ASPCA. Set GoodSearch as your homepage and a cause you care about will reap the benefit of your escapades on the Web.
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the fall weather and spend time with people you love! That's what I'm going to do.