My friend, Jerry at FishHawk Droppings, thought of me the other day. He decided to bestow LifePrints with the Nice Matters Award. I am very flattered. This is the second time I've received this one and it's just as much of an honor this time. I hope I never forget that nice does matter in this world.
Just to drive the point home, here are a few tidbits to stir your imagination -
JustBeNice.com sells tee shirts, hats and such emblazoned with the slogan "Just Be Nice". No we can wear the motto.
Winn Claybaugh will teach you how to Just Be Nice or ELSE! He says, "In a world where you have to be computer literate, business savvy, a master negotiator, and dressed for success, you also must be nice. Winn Claybaugh believes learning how to be nice is the most important skill one must obtain: "When you start being nice, everyone wins!"

NewScientist Magazine says that social responsibility is mostly learned from our parents and that genes also contribute greatly to how nice we are. In this interesting article they also state that we spend more time socializing our girls. With boys we still have the age old attitude that boys will be boys. We don't seem to be as willing to take the same risk with the behavior of little girls.
Thank you again, Jerry, for this award. I'm going to pass it on to one of the nicest bloggers I know. Mike at Reality is Overrated is always there to answer questions and tell a joke. He's very active on the Blog Catalog forums. If he knows how to help you he will. He's quick with praise and I've never read anything unkind about other bloggers.
Mike, I don't know if anyone has given you this pretty pink award before. Post it if you wish...please pass it on to another kind soul. Congrats!
As a side note, I'm taking a little break from blogging to spend time with my family. I'll be back on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone and "Just be nice."